My Daily Media Blitz For 09/19/15

It’s time for my Daily Media Blitz!  Here are all the places you can find my work today!

On the Blitz today, I am featuring a new article on my New England Society of Geeks blog.  Check out item #4 for details.

  1. You can hear me every week talking about the latest geek related topics on the We Be Geeks podcast.

This week, the gang and I interviewed voice actor extraordinaire G. K. Bowes.  We had a really great time interviewing her.  We also discussed the new fall TV shows a bit as well, and gave our opinions on some of the new shows.

WBG Episode 137: Voices With G.K. Bowes

  1. You can also read my column Now Geek This! on the We be Geeks website as well.

In my latest edition of Now Geek This I wrote a an article about the new fall TV shows that I am excited about.  What exactly will I be watching this fall?  Read on to find out!

Now Geek This: The New TV Shows I am Excited About

You can always find the podcast and my column at any time on as well.

  1. Did you know that I have a blog where I write first drafts of story ideas I have as well as the occasional essay and other writings? Well now you do, it is

Check out my latest story, Ever Vigilant, Part Two here:

  1. I have another blog, which I call The New England Society of Geeks where I post essays that pertain to the world of geek as seen through the eyes of a New England. I also cover local New England geekery on the blog as well.  You can always find the blog at

You can find the latest New England Society of Geeks post here (excluding my Daily Media Blitzes).  My latest article is a review of the Johnny Depp movie Black Mass.  What are my thoughts on the film about Boston crime boss Whitey Bulger?  Read on to find out.

  1.  I recently joined a website called Skrawl where you can post stories in order to have readers vote and comment on them. For my latest entry, I posted a second draft of a story I originally posted on my MindofDerrick Blog called The Sleeper, Part Two

You can read that story here:

   6.  I have just joined another website called inkshares where writers can submit their unpublished books to be voted on for potential publication by readers.  My book is called Arkadaan’s Inception, and I’d really appreciate it if you would check out my book on that site.  I have included a synopsis of the book as well as two chapters for you to check out.  If you like it, you can preorder the book which is how they count votes on the site.  The 5 books with the most preorders by September 30th will get their books published.  All other books will probably die in obscurity.  Surely you do not want my book to die in obscurity, right?  You can check out my submission here:

You can also follow me on Twitter at @nesofgeek, and you can like my Facebook page at

Check back here every day for updates on where to find my work, and I hope you will enjoy it.

I thank you for your time, and consideration.


Derrick Nadeau

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